Palestrantes convidados

Panos Tsakiropoulos

He studied Mining and Metallurgical Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (1975), University of Sheffield, and PhD (1979). He joined as a Lecturer at the University of Surrey in 1986. He returned to the University of Sheffield in 2006 as Professor of Metallurgy and POSCO Chair in Iron and Steel Technology.



Herman Terryn

He is a part-time professor in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, at TU-Delft following up on research projects. Professor Herman is a full professor within the group of Electrochemical and Surface Engineering (SURF) in the Faculty of Engineering at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB).



Vincent Vivier

He is a full-time researcher and research director at the LISE, Sorbonne Université. He focuses his research on electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) on the development of local electrochemical techniques and the development of coupled techniques (SECM). His projects are related to the development of new electrochemical characterization methods and the degradation of materials.



Mark Baker

Reader in Surface Science and Engineering, the Department of Mechanical Engineering Sciences, University of Surrey, his principal research interests are materials characterization using XPS, AES, SEM, TEM, XRD, AFM, and FIB in application areas such as inorganic thin films, coatings, and corrosion.



Marco Colosio

Engenheiro metalúrgico, doutor, possui mais de 30 anos de experiência no setor automotivo nas áreas de engenharia de materiais na General Motors, docente da Fundação Santo André, diretor do SAE BRASIL, atuando na área de tecnologia com foco em pesquisa e desenvolvimento.



Ricardo Souto

Full professor in physical chemistry, Universidad de La Laguna (Spain), MSc University of La Laguna, PhD University of Utrecht (NL), postdoctorate at the University of Cambridge (UK). His principal studies are in corrosion, electrochemistry, and corrosion science.



Hercílio Gomes de Melo

He is a lecturer at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. He did his doctorate in aluminum corrosion at the University of São Paulo and the Pierre and Marie Curie University in France and further postdoctoral at the Centre Inter Universitaire de Recherche et d'Ingénierie des Matériaux (CIRIMAT) in Toulouse, France.



Xavier Turrillas

He holds a degree in chemistry and pharmacy, a PhD in materials science (University of Grenoble, 1984), and a in chemistry (University of Navarre, 1986). Postdoctoral researcher at the University of London. Senior scientist at the Spanish High Council for Scientific Research. His main research interests hinge upon the use of neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction methods.



Guilherme Lebrão

Professor de ciência dos materiais da Escola de Engenharia Mauá do Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia. Doutor em Ciências pelo IPEN / USP. Professor e pesquisador na área de polímeros, compósitos e nanomateriais. Integrante do Grupo de Pesquisa de Materiais do Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia.



Patrick Johnson

He is a Professor at Iowa University. He has a research program that is focused on new materials and biointerfaces. His research topics have included advanced carbon materials, spider silk biomaterials, SERS biosensors, and immobilized enzyme systems. His teaching interests are biomedical engineering, biochemical engineering, and sustainability topics.



Gustavo F. Trindade

He is a Senior Scientist at the National Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry Imaging (NiCE-MSI) at NPL. His current interests are in fundamental metrology of the state-of-the-art OrbiSIMS instrument and advancing measurement capabilities to meet emerging measurement challenges. These include innovative measurement modes and data analytics, with applications ranging from mapping proteins and peptides to depth profiling organic electronic devices.



Antonio Gomes de Souza Filho

Graduou-se em física (1997) na Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Ele concluiu o mestrado em 1999 e o doutorado em 2001 na UFC. Durante o ano de 2000, realizou estágio sanduíche no MIT. Entre 2009 e 2010, realizou pós-doutoramento na Unicamp. É professor da UFC, membro da Sociedade Brasileira de Física (SBF) e do Conselho Consultivo da Academia Brasileira de Ciências (2019-2021). Foi pró-reitor de pesquisa e pós graduação da UFC, de 2016 a 2019. Desenvolve pesquisas na área de física da matéria condensada, com ênfase em nanociência e nanotecnologia.



Mauricio Terrones

This faculty member is associated with the Penn State Intercollege Graduate Degree Program (IGDP) in Materials Science and Engineering (MatSE). His research group constitutes a multidisciplinary effort focused on understanding the physics and chemistry of materials at the nanoscale. In particular, we study low-dimensional materials that mainly involve 1- and 2-dimensions, ranging from carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoribbons to graphene, boron nitride, and chalcogenide monolayers.



Gemma Fargas Ribas

És doctora en ciència i enginyeria dels materials per la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - UPC i llicenciada en química per la Universitat de Barcelona. Dirigeix el Centre de Cooperació per al Desenvolupament de la UPC, i és professora agregada del Departament de Ciència dels Materials i Enginyeria Metallúrgica del Campus Diagonal-Besòs i investigadora al centre CIEFMA-UPC i al Centre de Recerca en Ciència i Enginyeria Multiescala.



Reginaldo Muccillo

Professor Reginaldo possui bacharelado em física (1968), mestrado em física (1970) e doutorado em física (1976) pelo Instituto de Física da USP. É pesquisador voluntário do Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia de Materiais (CCTM) do IPEN em São Paulo. Desenvolve trabalhos de pesquisa em eletrocerâmicas, eletrólitos sólidos, membranas, células a combustível, sensores de espécies químicas e de temperatura, membranas para captura-separação de dióxido de carbono, baterias de estado sólido de ions lítio.



Tânia Cosentino

Ela é presidente da Microsoft Brasil desde 2019. É engenheira elétrica de formação e tem mais de 40 anos de experiência profissional, principalmente em multinacionais dos setores elétrico e de automação industrial. Anteriormente, desenvolveu uma carreira de sucesso na Schneider Electric, onde foi presidente da subsidiária brasileira, presidente para a América do Sul e vice-presidente global de qualidade e satisfação do cliente. Tania foi reconhecida como uma das 10 pioneiras a atuar nos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Pacto Global da ONU em 2017 e em 2022 foi homenageada pelo Instituto de Engenharia como o título de Eminente Engenheira do Ano.




Filipe Figueiredo

He is a Principal Researcher at CICECO - Aveiro Institute of Materials and the Physics Department of the University of Aveiro. Current scientific activity is centered on the development of biopolymer electrolytes, ionic liquids, metal-organic frameworks, and their composites for application in fuel cells and related technologies. Recent interests include the study of ion transport in peptide nanostructures and organic materials for lithium and next-generation batteries.

Mohammed Hussain Abdul Jabbar
He works at Nissan Technical Center of North America as a Senior Research Scientist. He received his doctorate at the Technical University of Denmark's Risø National Laboratory. He has had post-doctoral research positions at the University of Maryland and the Technical University of Denmark. His work focuses on the comprehension of new electrode materials and innovative ideas for a range of cutting-edge technologies, particularly metal-based solid oxide fuel cells. His research contributions have produced multiple patents and numerous excellent high-impact articles.



Nguyen Minh
He is an internationally well-known expert on solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), solid oxide electrolysis cells (SOECs), and related technologies.  Over the last thirty years, he has dedicated his research to developing SOFCs/SOECs and new energy systems. His experience covers a full spectrum of industrial/product R&D areas, ranging from technology assessment, strategy and roadmap formulation, fundamental and engineering study to materials, processes and manufacturing development, system design and operation, prototype demonstration, and cost/market analysis.
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